A walk in my shoes

Look into my process: learning through curious insights

Every designer knows it’s not just about the end result, but the path it took to get there. Here I would like to share my design thinking process and the steps along the way!

A peek into my notebook (only all caps writing allowed)

The idea, the people, the style, the result

This is what I like to think of as my recipe for success (shortened).

The idea:

What is normally running through my head during this ideation process is, “think of anything weird or unusual, something that will make someone’s head turn”

The People:

As any designer knows, design doesn’t just exist on its own. It is crucial to establish the “for who” in the design process. Identifying types of people, personalities, and tastes helps to influence the look and feel of your design.

The Style:

A challenge is not letting yourself fall into the same style for each project, making sure to develop a distinct voice for each. Choosing a color palette, along with pairing typography and photography style, and developing patterns or icons as needed is when the design begins to form.

The Result:

The end result. Once all the ideating, sketching, and iterating has come to its peak, the final product is produced and ready for presentation!